It’s Give-A-Holiday time once again!
As you know, PEACE, Inc.’s 2024 Give-A-Holiday program offers individuals, businesses, and the community at large the opportunity to brighten
the holidays for families in need.

Giving opportunities are described below. If you would like to participate in this year’s program, please fill out the registration form online.
Giving Options:
1. Sponsor a Family:
When you sponsor a family, you will receive a family information form detailing each family member’s first name, age, gender, clothing sizes, and gift suggestions. You will be matched with your family sometime between mid-October and mid-November, allowing ample time to gather unwrapped gifts for each family member.
Unwrapped Gifts:
One change from previous years, we ask that you donate your gifts unwrapped. This will allow parents, guardians, and grandparents to join the Holiday fun and wrap gifts for their children. We also want to ensure the safety and appropriateness of all gifts, we kindly ask that all items be unwrapped.
Please label all gifts with the family code number provided on your Family information form.
We also ask that you please include wrapping paper, tape, and scissors with your gifts.
2. Create a Gift Basket:
In addition to gifts, you can also create baskets filled with basic needs/essentials. Unfortunately, we cannot sponsor all families that have needs with gifts. Thus, these basket donations can make a significant impact and spread wider cheer. Use a basket, laundry basket, or reusable bags, and consider including the following items:
Clothing: Hats, gloves, mittens, socks, and scarves
Household & Personal Care: All-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, and toiletries
Paper Products: Paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper
Family Fun: Board games, puzzles, and coloring supplies
Feel free to mix and match items; however, please avoid heavy baskets and items requiring refrigeration. Non-perishable food items are always welcome!
3. Gift Cards:
Gift Cards to local stores or grocery outlets can also be a wonderful way to support families. Here are a few suggestions:
- Tops
- Price Rite
- Aldi
- Price Chopper
- Walmart
- Target
- Gas Station
- Uber/ Lyft
4. Monetary Donations:
Monetary donations will be used to purchase gifts and items for our unsponsored families. Donations may be given online or by mail.
To mail donations, please send checks payable to PEACE, Inc. and mail to
PEACE, Inc./Give-A-Holiday
217 S Salina St, 2nd Floor
Syracuse, NY 13202.
To make an online donations click here, scan the QRcode, or click on the button below:

Drop-Off Information & Dates:
PEACE, Inc. DeFrancisco Eastwood Community Center
401 S Midler Ave, Syracuse, NY 13206
2nd floor.
Friday, December 13th from 8:30 am – 4 pm
Monday, December 16th from 8:30 am – 6 pm
If you have any questions or concerns please contact: giveaholiday@peace-caa.org or call (315) 634-3740