2021 Annual Report / April – June 2022 Newsletter
A message from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
We began the year with vaccine clinics, tablet classes, and food delivery as many of our at-risk neighbors continued to isolate.
As we learn to live with COVID, we are welcoming clients back and prioritizing social interaction and peer support. The long isolation reinforced our belief in the importance of community building.
As always, we strive to treat all people with respect and kindness. PEACE, Inc. plans for the future recognizing that the most vulnerable among us need access to resources, freedom from systemic inequalities, and an opportunity to lead their lives with dignity.
Let me conclude with a huge thanks to our dedicated staff, board members, donors, volunteers, and funders. During this year of transition, we simply could not fulfill the agency’s mission without your help.
All the Best,
Carolyn D. Brown